Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Recovering from an addiction to crack cocaine will be hard physically and psychologically, but professional help can make it easier to cope. One of the most powerful things you can do is develop the resolve to quit and let that intention guide you through the coming pangs of recovery. There are also many resources to assist with maintaining your recovery. If you’re suffering from an addiction to crack, get help today.
Treatment Centers for Crack Addiction
People struggling with a crack addiction become used to being around people who either support or accept their addiction. Even those who want to make a full recovery and are able to overcome the biochemical part of the addiction need to make sure they are surrounded by people who can help them stay clean.
Finding a treatment center that specializes in treating crack addiction markedly improves the chances of a full recovery. Some treatment centers are exclusively known for helping people break their grip on crack.
Detox From Crack Cocaine
Detoxification is the first step toward recovery. When done in a controlled environment, it helps safely cleanse the drug from the user’s body. This helps them get through the difficult stage of depression that follows crack abuse.
One of the reasons crack addiction is so hard to overcome is the drastic “come-down” from the high.
Users need more crack to return from the low they experience every time the drug’s effects wear off. They also need more crack to reduce the overwhelming and intense cravings experience once they begin to comedown. Because crack interferes with the brain reward system, these withdrawal symptoms can be particularly depressing.
Crack withdrawal is marked by intense cravings and physical and psychological symptoms. These symptoms may last in varying intensity anywhere from several days to several months. For most individuals, the acute phase of withdrawal lasts 3 to 7 days, and post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) last for several weeks or months afterwards. How long these symptoms last depends on how often and for how long a person used crack, how much crack they used, whether they abused other substances along with crack, their mental and medical history, and the method by which they abused crack. Those who used the drug in larger amounts over a longer period of time usually experience the worst withdrawal.
Common symptoms of crack withdrawal include:
- Anxiety
- Intense cravings
- Extreme fatigue
- Insomnia
- Severe depression
- Nightmares
- Intense cravings
Withdrawal from a crack addiction is undeniably hard. For these and many other reasons, relapse is a very real possibility. However, relapse does not mean failure. Recovery is a long road with a lot of bumps along the way.
Inpatient Rehabilitation for Crack Addiction
A stay in an inpatient rehab is one of the best ways to make a complete recovery from crack addiction. There are many rehabs with varying treatment plans, but most of them focus on cognitive behavioral therapy, support groups, and psychoeducational and process group therapy. Many treatment centers also offer alternatives to the traditional 12-step program for those who request it. Rehab generally lasts between 30 and 90 days but may be longer for more serious cases of addiction.
Ongoing Recovery
Recovering from a crack addiction can require intensive counseling. Learning how to adjust to life without crack can be a long process, but it is well worth the effort. Many effective programs also include vocational training to help to help recovering addicts gain skills necessary to assist them as they reintegrate into the community. Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Having someone to talk to and support you can mean the difference between relapse and a life of being clean.
There are many support groups that a recovering crack addict can get involved with. Establishing strong ties to the community or a group of people who won’t provide a temptation to use again can help you stay strong. Visit for your orders.